Welcome to my blog! I’m Abbie, a creative, goofy photographer from Saint Louis. I love inside jokes. I can't say no to a good sale rack. I take pictures of everything. I'm obsessed with hearing new music as often as possible. I'm fiercely protective of my friends. I believe in what I do, and I'm truly proud of who I've become.

Feel free to visit my website at www.AbbieTakesPictures.com, and check me out on here on Facebook!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Little Sappy Chain of Love...

While I was sitting at my desk today, plowing through some wedding photos that need to be finished (Hey, Mallory!!), I started thinking about how much is on my plate. I had been sitting there for over 27 minutes, trying to figure out how I'm going to squeeze 19 photo shoots and 7 weddings (one of them in Florida) into 48 days. Oh, and did I mention I have to find a new place to live and move within the last 31 of those 48 days??!

As my heart was starting to race, and my leg was starting to jiggle in a solid rhythm of panic and irritation, I heard a familiar tune come through the speakers in my laptop.



You ready Ron.. I'm ready
You ready Dave... I'm ready Slick are you...
Oh yeah break it down...

GIRL I must warn youuuuuuuu..."

I instantly went from feeling antsy and over worked, to feeling happy and giggly.

"POISON... Puh puh puh puh POISON..."

I started giggling, and just couldn't stop.

This song makes me think of one of my best friends in the entire world. It became "our" song last year while we were on a road trip to Washington, D.C. To make a long story short, my friend calls her elbow her "Bell Biv Devoe". (I know, silly, right??) I found this out at about 3AM, in the middle of the mountains, while we were driving. I thought it was hilarious, and automatically started singing her this song...

"POISON... Puh puh puh puh POISON..."

Today, all it took was the first three beats of a song to make me think of something that totally made me feel right with the world. When I started thinking about my best friend and her "Bell Biv Devoe", I then started thinking of all of my close friends and how much they mean to me. This then led me to start thinking about how blessed I am, and how I have the most amazing clients... and the best job in the entire world. One good thought right after another!

This, my friends, was my Little Sappy Chain of Love for the day. It's funny how little things can really turn your day around.

So please, take a minute to have YOUR Little Sappy Chain of Love today, and rock out to this song while you're doing so... Bell Biv Devoe: Poison (click here!)

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